Food Waste Collection

Collection of food waste needs to be done with utmost priority and responsibility. This is the first and most important step for the process of food recycling or food processing with recycler help. In the absence of proper food collection, we may not get the waste properly or at the time, which may not be the right time to put in it a recycler. Our food waste collection team is highly trained and has the required expertise in collecting food waste by reach at the point of inception in the proposed frame of time. Due to some unavoidable circumstances, the food van may not reach the destination. But, we have got it covered; we always have one backup plan where an additional food van vehicle is allotted to the destination point to reach in time. After reaching the destination point, we have the required material and boxes in which we collect the waste food for the process of recycling. After proper collection of food waste, it is sent to the recycling manufacturing facility where it is recycled and